Alles sehr richtig war, ganz in ordnung and Ich habe mich gut gefuehlt.Mein Lehrer kann ganz gut unterrichten und weiss wie mit den schueler gehen. Sehr gut qualifiziert und die stunden sind auf keinen Fall langweilig! Ich weiss nicht wie man besser machen kann. Ich habe nur gutes von die Schule gehoert und wenn ich Kontaktieren habe Oleg war sehr net zu mir.
E-mail: Catisocias/at/
Kathrin Gottbehut, Germany, March 2013
I very enjoyed the last two weeks in your language school. Learning in a nice motivating and friendly atmosphere was a lot of fun and a big groving of my russian language skills 🙂
E-mail: kgott/at/
Victoria Zucol, Italy, March 2013
5 months of language learning! Thank you for everything, because you have always helped me when I needed something and because you’re been always so fiendly!
E-mail: v.zucol/at/
Immo Kaempf, Germany, March 2013
Thank a lot for this great language course. Everything was well organized. People are friendly and helpfull. Teaching was highly motivated. I learned a lot and had fun 🙂
E-mail: immokaempf/at/
LanguageCourse, S.L.- Language Travel Agency, Spain
Every year we request evaluations from more than a thousand language course students worldwide in order to honour language schools which provide outstanding services to their clients. As a result of these evaluations we present an annual Excellence Award to those language schools, which receive the highest customer satisfaction ratings worldwide.
We are glad to award ProBa Educational Centre St. Petersburg with the 2013 Excellence Award, as your students rated your overall service as excellent. The 2013 Excellence Award not only recognizes the accomplishments of the school with respects to its quality of service but it also gives you the opportunity to certify to potential clients the high standards applied in your organization.
By including the award on your schools website and/or brochures you will be acknowledging the quality of your service, which should help to create trust in your future clients. On behalf of our clients and our whole team we would like to congratulate you for your excellent work.
Best wishes, Vanessa Vogt & Daniel Spohn
Raimond Koldewijn, Holland, February 2013
Nice group, fantastic atmosphere and very good level of teaching. Very clear explanation and how things are connected. An excellent combination between learning and a good atmosphere. In a playful but good way learning quickly more of the Russian Language. The staff is very helpful and organising (visa support, transfers etc.)
E-mail: raimond/at/
Tiantian Lin, Tsinghua University, Haidian, Beijing, China, February 2013
I’ve spent a fantastic time here. The teachers and all staffs are very caring and I really learnt a lot. I will return if have opportunity.
E-mail: hzlintt/at/
Ivana and Korajka, Croatia, November-December 2012
Отличная квартира shared flat. Наш преподаватель Володя – самый лучший в мире, Олег был самый лучший в договорах !!!
I had a lovely time, I learned a lot, not only about the Russian language but I had the possibility to get an insight into the Russian culture, politics, daily life and most important I believe that I had the chance to catch a glimpse of the the Russian heart. Studying at a small school like yours with a very personalized approach is ideal. The teachers are highly professional with a very personal and individual style, adapting to one’s needs. At the same time the school offers all the technicalities needed. Ideal place to learn about the language and culture in St Petersburg.
E-mail: tatjana_vonbonkewitz/at/
Simone Bordonario, Italy, November 2012
I’ve booked the course at ProBa Language Centre via language Travel Agency in Barcelona with accommodation in shared flat. The accommodation was good, central, cheap and comfortable. I had the course in group of 5-6 students. General impression is good, the course was nice and funny!