Testimonials - ProBa Russian Language School
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Thomas Oblak, Germany, July 2014

Originally wanted to go to Odessa, but chose for St. Petersburg because of the political situation. Thanks for the warm welcome. I am glad that my stay here was fine and without problems.

E-mail: mail/at/t-oblak.de

Mirko Both, Germany, June 2014

St Petersburg is a great city which I enjoyed more the longer I stayed. The courses were very good and I had a big room (shared flat) in a beautiful old apartment. The highlight was the boat trip with the school and the party after: http://www.facebook.com/russianinrussia

E-mail: epvicentez/at/hotmail.com

Chiara Sironi, Italy, June 2014

I heard a lot of good things about this school from my friends. I needed to speak in Russian, and we really did a lot of conversation! It was fun and useful!

E-mail: chia.sironi/at/gmail.com

Jrene Kuiper, Netherlands, May 2014

Very nice atmosphere – friendly people (students, teachers, organization staff). Thank you very much for the warm welcome, great teacher and also very nice school and other students! I was here for 2 weeks and it was great. I hope to come back next year!

E-mail: idkuiper/at/hotmail.com

Gerard Lessage, May 2014

Excellent school, nice people, best location. Thank you for my course!

E-mail: gerard.lesage/at/wanadoo.fr

Dirk Schoenfuss, Germany, April 2014

I’ve sent inquire to 5 schools. Your package was the best.
My teacher was very professional, with exellent knowledge and teaching skills. My host lady was very friendly and helpful and told me many tips.

Tomasz Pecyna, Poland, February 2014

Good teacher and nice time! Western level of study and services in this school.

Отличный преподаватель, занятия разнообразные и интересные. Школа очень на высоком уровне. Всем советую! Методика совсем другая, чем в Польше. По моему мнению очень эффективно. Семья помогала мне в упражнениях..

E-mail: pecynatomasz/at/gmail.com

Ralph Lux, Germany, February 2014

I had great teacher and small group. The teacher was very motivating, very clear explanation. Thank you

E-mail: leo.lux/at/gmx.net

Enrique Perez, Spain, January 2014

Very nice relations in the host family, good price and location. Это была прекрасная школа

E-mail: epvicentez/at/hotmail.com

Elliott Jackson, USA, January 2014

No critiques. Good school which offers classes during the holidays in January. I thoroughly enjoyed my 2 weeks here at ProBa. Everyone was kind and welcoming

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