Testimonials - ProBa Russian Language School
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Christen, Switzerland, May 2015

Good teacher, interesting lessons, I learned a lot, exactly the speed I was able to follow. The host family was friendly

E-mail: ra.christen/at/bluewin.ch

Viktor Ahlander, Norway, April 2015

Спасибо за эти 10 дней.Я бы хотел остаться немного больше, оттого что я доволен этим визитом. Я надеюсь, что скоро возвращусь.

E-mail: viktorahlander/at/gmail.com

Irem Yuceer, Turkey, March 2015

Excellent course with excellemt tutors. I had a great time during my stay here in St Petersburg and improved my Russian greatly thank to my teacher! Would strongly recommend to anyone who want to learn and improve their Russian!

Margherita Armanti, Italy, March 2015

I would recommend this school to other students and to everyone that want to learn Russian. You can choos different types of lessons. The accommodation was in the very centre of St Petersburg and I did’t have to pay for public transport to reach the school or the city-centre.

E-mail: margherita.armanti/at/gmail.com

Severine Waser, Switzerlad, March 2015

I’ve passed TRKI test!!! Thank you for everything! I had a such a nice stay here in Petersburg! The location of the flat was PERFECT and my teacher Katia was excellent!

E-mail: severinewaser/at/gmail.com

Marta Crescini, Italy, March 2015

I had a really nice stay in St Petersburg and got the chance to get in touch with the culture and the language of your country. I also met very nice people who made me appreciate everything regarding Russia. I will definitely advice this school to my friends! Спасибо!

E-mail: crescini.marta/at/libero.it

Thomas Schultz, Germany, March 2015

Nice school, small classes and very efficient!. I’ll come back!

E-mail: slamthepony/at/gmail.com

Riccardo Ingauinera , Italy, April 2015

Great course, very passionate teacher and fast progress. She loves her job! Спасибо!!!

E-mail: ringallinera/at/gmail.com

Giuliana Pretto, Italy, March 2015

Good teaching level. The course was cheaper than other schools and additional practice as a teacher of English with Russian students was very interesting

E-mail: giuliana.pretto/at/hotmail.it

Alexander Erikson, UK, 2015

I found the course very interesting. My host family is close to metro, the host lady is always ready to help, to correct mistakes, always available to talk. Спасибо за замечательный курс русского!

Good teaching level. The course was cheaper than other schools and additional practice as a teacher of English with Russian students was very interesting.

E-mail: alex.erikson20/at/gmail.com

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