Testimonials - ProBa Russian Language School
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Sabrina Chen, USA, July 2016

About my teachers: Incredible camaraderie and student engagement! I felt that you jumpstarted my knowdlege of Russian and excitement to continue pursuing my studies.
Your verbs of motion chart was the most helpful item I have studied in a year! Thank you for your kidness and incredible enthusiasm every day.
Я всегда верю, что язык – это путь к своему сердцу. Когда я приехала в ПроБу, я начала изучать русский язык. Через две недели, благодаря Вам, я начала говорить с большей уверенностью. Спасибо большое от всего сердца!

Eeva Aaicher, Italy, June 2016

The courses were good, I leared new things about Russia and the Russian language. It was the best way to visit St Petersburg. Everyone was sympatic, friendly and the teachers are very good. It was very nice to be in your school and to be introduced to such a beautiful city! The atmosphere in the school is amazing! Thank you!

Steve Livingston, USA, June 2016

Friendsships made are always wonderful!
We always learn from others and new experiences. I look forward to continuing friendships and learning.
campus16b/at/gmail.comFriendsships made are always wonderful!

Helen English, Ireland, June 2016

I have enjoyed my 4 weeks in your language school. I found the classes engaging & interesting. I liked the fact that we discussed issues a lot in class. More than anything else, that helped to improve my langusge skills. I also liked the fact that we had homework to do. I also liked the fact helped to improve my language skills. I also liked the fact that we had homework to do. I also found my accommodation and host family very satisfactory. The location was excellent and with excellent transport links I got to see a lot of St Petersburg.

Ted (Федя) Warren, USA,MA, May 2016

My course at your school was approved by my Russian teacher in the USA.
Thank you!

Leslie Perreaud, France, April 2016

The school looks like more friendly than the others.

Stefanie Haenseler, Switzerland, March 2016

Everything is as I expected. I learned a lot, it was still a relaxing atmosphere.
Thank you!

Reynolds Deborah, Switzerland, January 2016

My teacher was Katya. She is excellent! She is very kind, patient and qualified. My accommodation was also very good – it was cozy, the hostess was always positive and talkative 🙂  The program is professionally made and comprehensive. I will return to continue learning Russian with this program.
E-mail:   deborah.reynolds/at/gmail.com

Vlad Megyesi, Italy, November 2015

I was very happy with the way the teachers taught me and accommodated my requests. They were interesting to talk to. It’s a real pleasure to work with them. E-mail: vladmegyesi/at/hotmail.it

Anne Marie Raymond, France, September 2015

My courses was supposed to improve my conversation/understand grammar and I am fully pleased with it. My teacher is very professional!

E-mail: singeorzan/at/hotmail.com

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