Loes Wehrli, May 2019 - ProBa Russian Language School
Home Testimonials Loes Wehrli, May 2019

Loes Wehrli, May 2019

It was just great to be here. All went smooth, I liked the lessons, the atmosphere, the city. I felt at home here in the school. I felt at ease with my teacher Natalia, she creates a warm atmosphere so I didn’t feel nervous or stupid when I didn’t immediately understand something. She takes the time to explain things and does not become upset when I again make a mistake. Time just went really quickly because it was a pleasure to have classes.

I was here for a week and did a private course. I liked it very much. Nice people, good atmosphere, patient, professional and friendly teacher which made that the time just flew by. Was fun and good. Hope to come again next year.

awe /at/ dplanet.ch

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