Several essential tips to start learning the Russian language - advice from Ilona Pshenichnikova, ProBa School teacher. - ProBa Russian Language School
Home Several essential tips to start learning the Russian language – advice from Ilona Pshenichnikova, ProBa School teacher.

Several essential tips to start learning the Russian language – advice from Ilona Pshenichnikova, ProBa School teacher.

Learning the Russian language requires a lot of dedication, as any other language does. There are some advice made by our teacher Ilona Pshenichnikova on how to learn Russian.

  1. The first and most important thing to do when you start learning Russian is to begin with an alphabet. Russian uses the Cyrillic alphabet which is completely different than the Latin alphabet used in English and many other Indo-European languages. It could be quite difficult at first, but a strong base will help you in the further studies.
  2. As you memorized the alphabet, it’s time to start expanding your vocabulary.
  3. Learning some grammar is important at this step as well. The Russian grammar is a bit difficult, so the sooner you start learning it and soak it up, the better.
  4. Of course, theoretical parts in the learning process are important, but without speaking practice the learning of any language wouldn’t be complete. Now, as there a lot of opportunities, you can easily find interlocutors without leaving home.
  5. Don’t forget to bring in your lessons some fun: watch some Russian TV series, read some short and easy Russian novels, etc.

Following our tips will help you to learn Russian faster and better.

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