What is an apostille? - ProBa Russian Language School
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What is an apostille?

ProBa Language Centre offers long-term Russian courses up to 3 years. That is why we pay maximum attention to the paperwork for a long-term visa. Many potential students have questions regarding the legalisation of visa documents and apostilles, we suggest you read the information below.

What is an apostille?

Apostille is the process of legalising a document for its subsequent submission to a representative office of another country. It is a kind of stamp that confirms the signature and seal of the person who issued it.

Legalisation of a document is a procedure that gives a document legal force for its recognition in another state.

In other words, legalisation is necessary to ensure that a document issued in one state is valid in another state and can be submitted to official bodies or organisations of another state. Legalisation confirms the authority, authenticity of the signature and stamp of the official who issued the document.

The legalisation requirement applies only to official, non-commercial documents.

Why do you need an apostille?

Without it, the document simply will not have legal force in another country. Therefore, its illegal use will be considered a direct violation of the norms, which will entail administrative and criminal liability on the part of the bearer.

An apostille also confirms the authenticity of an old-style document.

Please note that the apostille is put only on official documents.

These are:

  • documents issued by authorities or officials who are subject to the jurisdiction of a country party to the convention. This includes documents from the prosecutor’s office, court secretariat or from a bailiff;
  • administrative documents;
  • notarial acts;
  • official notations of registration, visas, signatures requiring authentication.

Apostille form

The text of the apostille must contain the following details:

  • name of the state issuing the apostille;
  • surname of the person who signed the document certified by apostille;
  • position of the person who signed the document being certified by apostille;
  • name of the institution whose seal/stamp is affixed to the document certified by apostille;
  • name of the city where the apostille is affixed;
  • date of apostille affixing;
  • the name of the authority that issued the apostille;
  • apostille number;
  • seal/stamp of the apostille issuing authority;
  • signature of the official who issued the apostille.

In the Russian Federation, an apostille most often takes the form of a stamp affixed to a document.

If the apostille is to be placed in countries other than Russia, it is necessary to determine the authorised body for each country separately. The responsible authority for each country can be determined on the website of the Hague Convention of 1961.

In Russia, diplomas and other documents on education and academic degrees are certified with an apostille by regional education authorities – for example, in Moscow, this issue is handled by the Department of Education of Moscow.

We would like to remind you that our centre provides documentation support at all stages of organising studies in Russia. Therefore, if you have any questions about how to properly prepare and legalise all the documents for a long-term visa, please do not hesitate to ask our manager by mail or other messengers of the school.



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