The 2nd of February - The day of victory in the Battle of Stalingrad - ProBa Russian Language School
Home The 2nd of February – The day of victory in the Battle of Stalingrad

The 2nd of February – The day of victory in the Battle of Stalingrad

21126171218326538931The Battle of Stalingrad was a major battle at the Eastern front line during World War II. And the strategic centre in south of the USSR was Stalingrad (now Volgograd). It backed oil regions of the Caucasus, Kuban rich agricultural region. The Nazi’s army also planned to disrupt communications connecting the center of the country with the Caucasus.

This city was heroically fought for over 200 days. Every quarter and house was defended by the means of countless lives. The train station only was given in and then gained back 13 times. This battle was the most violent and sanguinary. It has turned the course of war to the decline of Nazi Germany force. This topic is one of the most important in the course of Russian history. It is taught at all schools and universities of Russia.

Hi! I'm Kate, a Course Manager of ProBa Language school. I've veen studying languages and world culture for quite a while and I'm really fond of it. Though being so interested in everything what happens around the world, I still admire Russia and I will be glad to answer your questions about our country :)

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